A Life that Lights You UP.

Coaching and Content To Support You From:

Stress to Serenity
Blocks to Breakthrough
Fear to Freedom

"Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

-Mary Oliver

Waking up with a spark of joy in the morning?
Balancing peace and passion?
Living with purpose? 


Can you imagine it?

Breaking through inner blockages. No longer held back by anxiety, busyness, doubts.

Takings steps towards the dreams that God has placed in your heart.

Ready to start creating clarity and moving forward with faith?


Simply keep scrolling, or schedule a free:

Sweet. Simple. Sporadic.


Hallo en welkom!

Als Life en Business Coach begeleid ik (Nicky de Koning) je graag voorbij  blokkades naar meer vrijheid, vertrouwen en vervulling in je leven.

Vanwege mijn internationale achtergrond is deze website volledig Engelstalig. Zelf ben ik half Nederlands en woon in Nederland, de coaching evenals de communicatie kunnen dus ook gewoon in het Nederlands plaatsvinden, lokaal of online.

Hier lees je meer over bij de
praktische informatie.

Mocht je vragen hebben, laat het mij dan gerust weten, ik hoor graag van je.


Hallo und herzlich Willkommen!

Mein Name ist 
Nicky de Koning
, und als Life und Business Coach begleite ich Sie gerne vorbei an inneren Blockaden in Richtung Freiheit, Vertrauen und Erfüllung in Ihrem Leben.

Aufgrund meines Internationalen Hintergrundes ist diese Website komplett Englischsprachig. Selbst bin ich halb Deutsch, daher können Coaching und Kommunikation auch auf Deutsch stattfinden.

Hier finden Sie alle Praktische Informationen.


Falls Sie Fragen haben, dann höre ich gerne von Ihnen.


What Is Life Coaching ?

Coaching can bring you from stress and stagnancy to taking inspired action.

Being coached means being supported in doing your dreams and becoming the best version of yourself.

Assessing what your current dream is, allowing yourself to go for it, and applauding yourself for each step you take, for each obstacle you overcome, and for each time you get up after you inevitably fall, and learn.

If you’re longing to take a next step

or tackle a next level in your life…

Do you desire to make a change in your life

and move beyond feeling stressed or stuck

towards your next step or next level?

Would you like to integrate your Christian faith

based on Biblical wisdom and worldview

into our life coaching sessions?

Support Speeds Up The Process

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis

Nicky de Koning Life Coach

Hi, I’m Nicky de Koning, Dutch-German, and have lived abroad and traveled for most of my life until I  found Christian faith, in Bali! This led me back to The Netherlands, building my life on a new foundation.

As a Life Coach, l support you in living 
in line with your unique personality, purpose, values and a vision you can’t wait to work towards! I’d love to walk beside you for a while on your way towards your goals.

Here are some links if you’d like to know more: about me, how I coach, or simply get in touch. 🙂

There’s something fresh and fulfilling about new beginnings. Do you have a life area that’s in need of one? Perhaps you are considering… 

Moving to a new company, or to a new country?

Beginning a new business or starting a study?

Making changes in your health, or home?

Or in your work or your relationship?

In patterns or perspectives?

Do you seek meaning?


A Shift?

Nicky de Koning Life Coaching Choosing Your Direction To Travel Towards

Let's Connect for a Free Clarity Call

Would you like to find out more about life coaching?
Do you want to clarify your coaching focus?

Discover and do your dreams?
See whether we ‘click’?
Let’s get started!

(30 min free 1-on-1 video call) 

Client Experiences

“Thank you so much for your session helping me to get to the bottom of some of my fears around public speaking and what was holding me back.

Before our session the thought of public speaking petrified me and I was dreading having to do a talk later on that day, but you helped me to change all that! I can’t believe how much I LOVED getting up and speaking! I wasn’t nervous and had so much fun presenting.

Thank YOU so much Nicky! Seriously, our session was brilliant. I can’t believe how deep we went in such a short time.”

Testimonial Tara Jackson
Tara Jackson, UK
Holistic Health and Wellness Coach at TaraJackson.co.uk

‘Nicky has a profound talent to see the potential in others. Her reflections and feedback helped and encouraged me to step up to do what my heart longed to do, but which I didn’t give myself permission to. For instance, did we brainstorm ideas how to increase my wealth, which helped me amongst other things to achieve a major shift in my career! Thank you for everything, Nicky!’

Testimonial Bibi Gratzer
Bibi Gratzer, Austria
Relationship Coach at BibiGratzer.com

Nicky is a human angel, that’s for sure. In a brief breakfast chat she coached me through a deeply set traumatic memory and belief I had been holding energetically for what feels like my entire life. I was ready to release it but with Nicky’s support I felt safe in doing so

Testimonial Sydney Campos
Sydney Campos, USA
Author and Mentor at SydneyCampos.com

“After spending an afternoon with Nicky focused on goals and dreams, in one brief sentence, she was able to shift a mental pattern from fear to freedom which set me on track for success and growth immediately. I have been able to apply this to multiple areas in my life since! Thanks for your highly effective, professional support Nicky!”

Testimonial Ashley David
Ashley David, USA
Women Empowerment Facilitator

I Just had my inner critic session with Nicky, and all I can say is, wow. This simple session is actually a life-changer! I want everyone I know to do it! The world would be a different place if we all rose above this inner critic. So if you’re wondering whether or not this is for you, wonder no longer. The answer is yes. You will stand taller afterward. Thank you, Nicky! You are a treasure”

Testimonial Dia Michelle Smith
Dia Michelle Smith, USA + Bali
Soul Therapist

“The decision making meditation you guided was the highlight of our Skype session” And on top of your ability to empathize you guided me with your calming voice through a beautiful meditation. This decision-making meditation you guided was the highlight of our Skype session and I am still speechless when I start thinking about this experience”

Testimonial Nadja Mühlhanns
Nadja Mühlhanns, Germany

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