Nobody’s perfect, we’re all flawsome
This has been my realization and reminder recently. Perhaps you needed a reminder as well? With all the filters and fillers out there, it’s easy to forget that we all have our flaws. Influencers included.
Trying to hide our imperfections and insecurities is like trying to keep a volley ball underwater, exhausting, and it will come up at some point. So why try?
I could write a whole list of why it would be just perfect to be perfect
My inner people pleaser and ambitious achiever are already impatiently fidgeting for their turn to mention the importance of perfection, or at least, hiding imperfections. Then there are the real and perceived expectations of those around us, at work, in our social circles, society in general, etc. We have basically been trained to portray an image of ourselves that is endlessly energetic, purposefully passionate, ready to slay all day, inspiring and intelligent, witty and wise, and of course, always in a good mood.
Okay, I’m exaggerating, of course, but you get the idea
We may tuck away those sides of ours that are not necessarily societally accepted. We may fear that we will be rejected, less respected, excluded, or made fun of when we show more of our real selves. So we cover up those extra pounds or gray hairs, we fake a smile and an ‘I’m doing good, thanks’ when we’re feeling all but fine. Of course, this doesn’t mean we have to express and expose our every vulnerability, but… it can be freeing to lift the tip of the mask that we show to the world, just a little, so that people can peek behind the perfectly-seeming facade and find out more about our true selves.
What is it that holds you back from feeling free to show your ‘flaws’?
First, what are those parts of yourself that you call ‘flaws’? Another person might not even call it a flaw, especially when they are close to you, they may call it a characteristic that makes you more you. When you think about the persons you love most, and then think about what they see as their ‘flaws’- does it make you love them more or less? Could it be that others might love you more when you share and show up as more of you?
It’s your imperfections that make you perfectly YOU
Also, have you ever been able to relate authentically with someone who presents themselves as flawless? Seemingly perfect appearance, behavior, clothes, and so forth. And isn’t it refreshing to talk to someone who is open about their imperfections, joking about them even, instead of hiding them? It makes you feel like it’s okay to show your flaws, too.
Imperfection creates connection
To go even deeper, after an interaction with a new acquaintance or friend, what will you remember most? Their perfect skin, outfit, socially and politically correct answers? Or…

…the way they made you feel?
So yes. I truly believe that we heal when we are more real, with who we are and what we feel. Whether we start sharing more of ourselves with friends and family members, or with a coach or therapist, it will create more breathing space, for yourself and for those you interact with. It takes courage, as it might not always be socially safe, you may at some point experience a vulnerability hangover (the day, or even the moment, after you showed more of yourself than usual, and worry about people’s perception of you). But…
You may just be rewarded with deeper connections, more authentic interactions, and refreshingly fulfilling relationships.
After all, the one thing we all have in common as humans is that we’re not perfect. Phew. With the dawning of Artificial Intelligence, and with it the increased risk of deep fakes and having to discern false from true, who knows, authenticity might just become a priceless possession.
Are you convinced yet that your perceived flaws are what makes you awesome, indeed, flawsome?
What did this blog post bring to your mind? And what one thing can you do this day, or week, to be more authentic? As always, I’d love to read it in the comments.
Wishing you a flawsome rest of your day!