Unexpected Blessings – Experiencing The Gift of Heartfelt Hospitality

Unexpected Blessings - Blog Post

So I just spent the past five days with the most sweet and special Dutch family in a Spanish town just outside Sevilla.

How can a whole family grow on you in just a few days? Including the dog and the cat!


I don’t remember the last time I experienced being welcomed so wholeheartedly by people I’d known for such a short time, where they were completely themselves, and I was encouraged to be the same.

It all started three years ago, when I wanted to visit Sevilla again, my heart’s happy place, but it didn’t work out.

I had followed the church I’d planned to attend on Instagram. One day, I saw a re-posted story by a Dutch-sounding family, and as I clicked on their profile, I saw that @Hanneke was also a life coach, a Christian, as well as Dutch. She lived with her family of six in Sevilla. I couldn’t resist writing her. The next year, when I did visit Sevilla, Hanneke and I met in real life for a coffee, and she immediately invited me to their home for lunch. That’s how I met the @TheTravelingSeven.


When she showed me their house last year, she mentioned that if I’d ever needed to stay over, I would be welcome. Being struck by their kindness but never thinking I would make use of it, we said our goodbyes—until we met again spontaneously last summer, when they were over in The Netherlands, and I had an unexpected 2 hour layover on my way to Germany. Looking back, it’s just amazing how everything was ‘arranged’ from Above. 


This year, when everything gracefully worked out in a way that I could visit Sevilla again, I had 5 open days before I could enter the apartment I’d rented and… here I am. 


Heartfelt hospitality. That’s how I would describe this family—opening their home and hearts.

Each of their children, two of them already 18 and over, shared freely about what their lives looked like, and I loved listening to and learning more about them! They’ve integrated into Spain as if they’d always lived here, and they all speak fluent Spanish. 
The whole family has adopted the Spanish rhythm, from long lunches to late nights, but they also stayed true to their Dutch identity. True TCKs. Having grown up with a third culture myself, being half Dutch and half German, and spending 4 years in Kenya with my family, I recognized the challenge of not truly, deeply feeling a belonging to either culture—more with people than with places, as they perfectly put it. 

Being a TCK has the advantage of adapting quickly to new situations, but it’s also important to have a deep-seated sense of identity. It’s beautiful to see how these children were and are raised with their identity in Christ. 

The faith flows out from their parents into every area of all of their lives,

Freely sharing the love of God with those they meet, it’s both their mission and their mark, whether it’s through hospitality, coaching, marriage counseling, at church, or any other areas they’re active in. It’s been fascinating to see their lifestyle and the practical application of their faith. 
They’ve followed God’s lead to leave the comfort of their own home into a whole new country and way of living. If you want to find out more about them and their story, do check out their Instagram profile: 

As for me, while writing this, it’s my last full day here before moving to my rented place in Sevilla, and I’m just amazed at how happy and relaxed these few days have made me.

I was a little anxious about staying with a family I’d met  only once during a lunch, and admired their faith in inviting me in, but now I realize these past days have actually melted away any stress I’d had beforehand and were the perfect start to my time here. 
I loved the long lunches, inspiring and fun talks, walks with the dog (those were my ‘glimmers’), cat-pet-chill time, and simply the calm of being here. It’s been a blessing!
So next time you feel a soft inkling to do something that’s slightly (or hugely) out of your comfort zone, but you also feel a sense of peace in your heart, I can only say, take the leap! You may be as happily surprised as I was, and your life may be enriched in ways you never saw coming.
How about you? What was your last step-out-of-your-comfort-zone that has enriched you? Would love to hear about it in the comments! 

Wishing you a peacefully adventurous rest of your day!

Blog - Unexpected Blessings
Image source:  @Eli_Leo_Art

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