
Surrendering Your Story: Trusting God Through Life’s Transitions

So, how do we handle our failures? There are a couple of ways we can approach it.
One way is: replay mode. We keep replaying the moment we messed up, obsessing over what we should have done differently. What if we had made different choices? What if we had acted sooner?

Surrendering Your Story: Trusting God Through Life’s Transitions Read More »

Unexpected Blessings – Experiencing The Gift of Heartfelt Hospitality

So I just spent the past five days with the most sweet and special Dutch family in a Spanish town just outside Sevilla. How can a whole family grow on you in just a few days? Including the dog and the cat!
I don’t remember the last time I experienced being welcomed so wholeheartedly by people I’d known for such a short time, where they ….

Unexpected Blessings – Experiencing The Gift of Heartfelt Hospitality Read More »

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