Changes and Challenges

Surrendering Your Story: Trusting God Through Life’s Transitions

So, how do we handle our failures? There are a couple of ways we can approach it.
One way is: replay mode. We keep replaying the moment we messed up, obsessing over what we should have done differently. What if we had made different choices? What if we had acted sooner?

Surrendering Your Story: Trusting God Through Life’s Transitions Read More »

Do You Feel Like You Have Lost Yourself a Little?

In the hectic of our daily lives or after a hard phase, we can find ourselves having drifted off, in a different spot than we had hoped to be. Missing the dreams we once had, the energy to go for them, excitement, or all of it.

If this is you right now, no worries. It happens to the best of us, and there is always a way back.

Do You Feel Like You Have Lost Yourself a Little? Read More »

Changing One Choice at a Time

Changing behavior or aspects of our lives can seem daunting sometimes, especially if we’ve tried and failed one or many times before. That’s why I want to share with you a way of looking at change that may make it more manageable and achievable, I hope. It’s about changing one choice at a time. Let’s start with a reflection moment:

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