Life Coaching

How Life Coaching can help you move towards:
A Life That Lights You Up!

At times in life, we lose our sense of direction...

Our light shines a little less brightly, be it because of a burn-out, a break-up or an unexpected or unchanging situation.

Right now you may be feeling…

Stressed, Stuck or Scattered,

Alone, Anxious or Aimless,
Empty or Exhausted,
Sad or Seeking
 A little lost… 

Life Coaching Supports you to find your Direction

Life Coaching supports you in finding your way forward...

Calm in the chaos

First of all, it happens to the best of us! 

You can let yourself off the hook as we explore your way ‘home’. The road starts with defining the destination that we will walk and work towards.


Life Coaching supports you in:

Creating clarity,
Overcoming obstacles,
Pursuing your potential and purpose,
Discovering new perspectives and so much more.

Perhaps things had to fall apart to fall together in a better way...

Sometimes things have to get messy to move you into the direction of your dreams. Your low can help you grow.

Are you ready to take your first step?

Let’s create clarity in your circumstances and start carving a path towards a LIFE that lines up with your personality, purpose and passion and LIGHTS you up!

Life Coaching Spark and Shine Your Light

And you ask, “What if I fall?” Oh, but my darling, “What if you fly?”
-Erin Hanson

Welcome for a FREE Clarity Call

Let's look at where you stand right now and where you want to go,
whether coaching is for you, and if we click!

Simply click below, then select your preferred time and date.
You’ll hear from me soon and I can’t wait to connect! 

More About Life Coaching


Life Coaching supports you in reaching a desired destination in your life. 

That desired destination can range from becoming more confident to changing your career,
increasing resilience or overcoming limiting belief- or behavorial patterns. 

Our coaching journey starts with clarifying your goals
 and then working towards them one insight and implementation-step at a time.

For additional information about life coaching, you can visit this section:

Practical Information

If you’re interested in a life coaching trajectory, this is what you can expect:

During our first (complimentary) connection moment, we’ll discuss
your goals for our trajectory, the time period we’ll be working together and see if we ‘click’. 

A coaching trajectory is usually between 3-8 sessions depending on your goal/s, .

The sessions take place once a week or twice a month,

so our trajectory will last between 2-5 months.

Sessions are online and last 1 hour. 


Before our final session, we’ll evaluate your progress,
how satisfied you are and if you would like to finalize our trajectory at the planned date
or add more (usually one or two) sessions. I also love receiving your feedback.

For any additional questions, have a look at the:

Ready To Schedule Your First Session?

If you’re ready to reset and renew and make changes in your life,

convinced that life coaching can help you take crucial steps.

Then I can’t wait to meet you for our first session!

Simply book and schedule below and

See you soon!


In our daily lives we are often forced to move fast. These sessions will help you find peace within the problems as well as the possibilities.


Whether you want to find your passion, turn it into a profession or live with more passion in your daily life, let's start igniting your spark once again.


We all have patterns that prevent us from living our full potential. In our sessions, we will identify and replace them with productive ones.


In order to reach your full potential, our sessions don't just focus on igniting insights, they also include clear goals, action steps and accountability.

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