
A Life That Lights You Up!

In 2015, excited to start my coaching business after completing my training, I was reflecting on my “why”, based on Simon Sinek’s legendary TedX Talk. A question arose: What inspires me most in people? The answer led to my tagline, and a business was born: Coaching for a Life That Lights You Up! What inspired me were people who have that light in their eyes…

A Life That Lights You Up! Read More »

Do You Feel Like You Have Lost Yourself a Little?

In the hectic of our daily lives or after a hard phase, we can find ourselves having drifted off, in a different spot than we had hoped to be. Missing the dreams we once had, the energy to go for them, excitement, or all of it.

If this is you right now, no worries. It happens to the best of us, and there is always a way back.

Do You Feel Like You Have Lost Yourself a Little? Read More »

Flawsome: How Embracing Our Imperfections Ignites Meaningful Connections

How often do we tuck away those sides of ours that are not necessarily societally accepted. Of course, this doesn’t mean we have to express and expose our every vulnerability, but… it can be freeing to lift the tip of the mask that we show to the world, just a little, so that people can peek behind the perfectly-seeming facade and find out more about our true selves.

Flawsome: How Embracing Our Imperfections Ignites Meaningful Connections Read More »

Play: Getting Into The Habit of Having Fun!

What do you think about when you hear the word “play”?
You may think of children having fun in the sun or sand or in the rain, busy with building blocks or barbie dolls, drawing or dancing. When was the last time you had that childlike, carefree feeling? Which words would you use to describe the way you felt? Joyful, fun, giddy, excited, happy, worry-free, light? That’s what we’re talking about!

Play: Getting Into The Habit of Having Fun! Read More »

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